Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Maoists yield to RAW dictates, report
India’s notorious intelligence agency RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) was behind the recently signed 23-point agreement between the Seven Party Alliance in Nepal.
The Dristhi Vernacular Weekly dated December 25, 07, writes that Ashok Chaturvedi, the chief of the RAW, had suggested the leaders of the seven party alliance to agree on the point that Nepal will be declared a “federal democratic republic” and that should be written in the interim constitution.
The Drishti weekly further referring to high placed sources claims that Chaturvedi in presence of Madhav Kumar Nepal, the UML chief, had taken words from Prachanda, the Maoists supremeo that his party too will agree on the said points as instructed by Chaturvedi.
The weekly writes that it was only after the maneuvering of the RAW chief in Nepali politics and his lucrative offers, that both the Maoists and the Nepali congress took a step back from their initial rigid stances.
During his stay in Kathmandu, Chaturvedi met Prime Minister Koirala twice and more importantly asked the PM to look into the Indian security interest more seriously or else face consequences.
“The Maoists’ party appears to have split over whether it was logical to listen to RAW instructions or not?”, Dristhi writes further.
The first set of the Maoists which felt some what humiliated to the RAW instructions comprise, among others, Mohan Vaidya alias Kiran and Netra Bikram Chanda alias Biplav, and Ram Bahadur Thapa alias Badal however, on the contrary, the group comprising of Prachanda himself and Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai maintained that had it not been the RAW instructions, the current deadlock would have continued.
(See Dristhi Weekly for furhte detqails on increasing RAW activities in Nepal)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Mysterious visit of RAW chief and its impact
Ashok Chaturvedi, the chief of the RAW (Research and Analysis Wing)- India’s notorious intelligence agency recently had a secret chit chat with Nepal’s prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala, Home Minister K.P. Sitaula and NC leader Dr. Shekhar Koirala, right in Kathmandu.
Chaturvedi, according to reports, had met the prime minister and some high ranking leaders of Nepali politics and chiefs of various security agencies during his four day stint in Nepal.
According to the Janadisha Weekly, Chaturvedi had sneaked into Kathmandu by Jet Airways, 14, December, 07 at 3:45 PM.
India’s outgoing ambassador to Nepal, Mr. Shiva Shankar Mukherjee too had arrived Kathmandu the same day but boarding a different air craft, says Nepali Patra Weekly dated 21, December, 07.
Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal- the UML chief and Surya Bahadur Thapa-the RJP (Rastriya Janashakti Party) president too had a chance to meet with the RAW chief, say reports further.
During his meetings with various leaders in Nepal, Chaturvedi had told them to remain aware of the increasing Chinese influence in Nepali politics, adds Nepali Patra.
Chaturvedia had stayed at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kathmandu.
In the mean time, reports say that with the grand disclosure made by the “Nepal Weekly”- Kantipur sister publication that RAW was all pervasive in the Nepali Politics and with the weekly further disclosing even the names of various RAW agents working at the Indian embassy in Nepal, the RAW is to reshuffle its staffs stationed in Kathmandu soon, following a grand debacle to the entire RAW paraphernalia in New Delhi.
Indian media reports have it that the RAW in the recent months committed two Himalayan blunders. The first being its failure to asses in advance that President Parvez Musharraf of Pakistan was plotting an emergency and the disclosure by a Nepali Weekly about the RAW network in Nepal came too as a setback to the RAW's intelligence capabilities.
The peoples’ Review weekly in its edition dated 20, December, 07 has to say this:
The South Block has decided to introduce a new setup in key positions in the Indian embassy in Kathmandu. Rakesh Sood is succeeding Ambassador Shiva Shanker Mukharjee.
Likewise, Nepal chief of RAW, Minister Counselor Suresh Dhundiya is going to retire due to his wrong strategies in Nepal. Alok Joshi is succeeding Dhundiya.
In the recent past, the Military attaché at the Embassy, Colonel Saukin Chauhan was succeeded by Colonel Manmohan Singh Dhanbo.
According to the very source, ambassador designate to Nepal, Sood, a career diplomat, is a disarmament expert and has already served in Afghanistan. Also, the new RAW chief to be stationed in Kathmandu has also served in Afghanistan in the past. South Block intends to make key changes in Nepal as it has analyzed that the old team has failed in tackling the Nepal issue properly.
There had been a long list of individuals anxious to bag the ambassadorial assignment through political appointment and South Block had been facing big pressure from different political parties in India for this plum appointment in Kathmandu.
But considering the critical situation here, Sood was nominated, the source said.
Telegraph adds: With RAW facing continuous debacle in its Nepal affairs, it is highly likely that the RAW machinery will come in a heavy way in order to regain its lost ground in Nepal. Chaturvedi is being told to pack up by the New Delhi set-up, it is talked.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Abrogate Gandak treaty with India
The local residents of Susta, Nawalparasi, have demanded the abrogation of the Gandak Treaty signed in between the government of Nepal and India during the tenure of late B.P. Koirala as country’s prime minister in the early 1960s.
To recall, Koirala’s half-brother, Late Matrika Prasad Koirala similarly had signed the Koshi treaty with India wherein Nepal was thoroughly cheated by the other side.
The third brother of the Koirala family, Girija Prasad Koirala too has a distinction of having signed Tanakpur treaty with India which too incurred a colossal loss to this nation.
“The only way to stop India from continuously occupying Nepali lands in Susta is the abrogation of the said treaty”, said the president of the “Save Susta Campaign”, Mr. Gopal Gurung.
Adam Khan, the vice president of the campaign however, held that the local citizens of Susta will be forced to take laws into their hands…our first step will be to completely block the Gandak Nahar (Canal) which irrigates the Indian lands.
“We aim to pressurize the government by blocking the Nahar”, he added.
Latest reports have it that a group of YCL (Young Communist League) cadres who have been traveling across the country in their campaign for the establishment of a republic in the country, have recently conducted a thorough study in the Susta.
The YCL deploring the Indian highhandedness in Susta has asked the government of Nepal to take necessary steps towards stopping the encroachment of Nepali lands by India, say reports.
Monday, December 10, 2007
RAW official posted under deplomatic cover in Nepali embassy
First, in a virtual rebuff to India, Nepal's Foreign Minister Sahana Pradhan pleaded with high level Chinese delegation visiting Kathmandu to extend the Tibet rail into Nepal. The request is particularly significant against the backdrop of Nepal's warning to India not to go ahead with a proposed highway along the India-Nepal border. And a weekly magazine, Nepal, has blown the cover of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) officials posted under diplomatic cover in the Indian embassy in Kathmandu.
The magazine published in Nepalese, Indian officials say, couldn't have named all the RAW operatives without the help of a section of the Nepal government. The magazine exposed Suresh Dhundiya, Kathmandu RAW station chief, and his deputies Alok Tiwari posted as First Secretary (Education) and K. V. Johri, a counsellor. It also named top RAW officials posted in Kathmandu in the past: former RAW chief H. Tharakan, S. B. S. Tomar, S. S. Rajan and Ravindra Ohri. The cover of Intelligence Bureau's and Military Intelligence's men in Kathmandu, Arvind Kmar and Colonel Manmohan Singh respectively, has also been blown.
Significantly, the magazine targetted only RAW and other Indian espionage outfits like IB and MI although intelligence outfits of several countries, including USA, China and Pakistan are known to very active in strife-torn Nepal. Pradhan's advocacy of greater connectivity between China and Nepal has stung New Delhi. Ruffling India's feathers, Pradhan bluntly requested Wang Jiauri, head of the international liasion department of the Communist Party of China's central committee, to extend the rail from Lhasa to Nepal as soon as possible.
Moreover, Nepal and China have signed an agreement to widen and modernise the Lhasa-Kathmandu road and resume the Kathmandu-Lhasa bus service from January. Nepal is also turning to its northern neighbour for oil supplies much to India's chagrin. Pradhan's request to extend the Tibet rail to Nepal is a big bonus for Jiauri whose original agenda was to get to known the Maoist leadership which is ideologically anti-India. Both Beijing and New Delhi cultivated the royal palace but in the changed scenario China seems to have scored over India as far as wooing the reds is concerned.
Sources say that ambassador Shiv Shankar believes that Pradhan's China card and the expose of RAW officials are interlinked and is therefore advocating greater secrecy in intelligence-gathering operations to safeguard India's "assets" in Nepal.
Visit Khaleej Times:§ion=subcontinent&col=
Friday, December 7, 2007
Susta encroachment by India contiues: India mum, Nepal angry
Indian Expansionism: Harmful for Peace in South Asia
Hari Bansha Dulal (10/9/2005)
The encroachment of Nepalese land in Susta VDC, Nawalparasi clearly demonstrates how India is trying to take advantage of current political mess in Nepal by encroaching Nepalese territory. While Indian embassy's staffers in Kathmandu keep themselves busy trying to paint India's friendly attitude by providing funds to build bridges and inaugurating school buildings in terai, their government in New Delhi makes Nepalese pay for the financial aid provided to Nepal by ripping off their national identity.
However, what could be the better time than this to encroach a smaller state's territory? Political parties are wrestling with King to grab the power and king is flexing his muscle to maintain status quo. New Delhi does understand that neither political parties that are busy protesting in the street nor King residing in the Narayanhiti trying to garner India's support can afford to displease India by voicing their concern over Susta.
As both the warring parties are trying their best to remain in good books of India, poor in Susta are forcibly getting converted into Indian citizens without much opposition from the government and political parties that are meant to fight for the citizens right. Citizens of Susta are the recent victims of bullish and oppressive policies of the Indian expansionists.
Nepal is not only the nation that is having a border dispute with India. India has an ongoing border dispute with China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Although, the areas in contention with China and Pakistan are among the largest existing land boundary disputes in the world.
The Indo-Bangladeshi contention over New Moore/South Talpatty Island and Indo-Nepali dispute over Kalapani and Susta involve comparatively small area. But the point here is not how big or small the area of dispute is. It's about the India's attitude towards it neighbors in the region. With three-quarters of the landmass, population and economy of the region, India has developed a bullish and hegemonic attitude towards its neighbor.
Even after having fought wars with China and a recent war (Kargil) over Kashmir with Pakistan, India has not acknowledged the importance of peaceful coexistence. In addition to the already existing issues such as Kalapani which has been forcibly occupied by the Indian army; the Laxmanpur Barrage that has resulted in the flooding of Nepalese villages; the Mahakali treaty that is unfairly loaded in favor of India, the recent Susta encroachment exhibits India's increasing lust over foreign territories.
What New Delhi should understand is, national boundaries are symptomatic of wider bilateral relations and manifestations of national identity. They can be trip-wires of war. The seething anger of the people of China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal against the Indian expansionism may burst into the open any time in near future.
The people of these countries in order to ascertain their self respect and nationalism can burst open and harm Indian interests and establishments in their respective countries and the region as they did during the Hritik Roshan Fiasco in Nepal.The anti-Indian feeling in Nepal is at the highest level and the Nepalese citizens are bitter to the core. India should realize that relationship built on genuine equality and mutual respect, is the only guarantee for peace and development in South Asia.
(Hari Bansha Dulal is a doctoral student of Environmental Science and Public Policy at George Mason University, Virginia, USA)
Nepal's sovereignty is in danger
Who wants their land being encroached by neighbors? Then why aren’t we raising our voice for the national territories, which has been encroached by our big neighbor India in more than 60 places and more than 600 sq km.? We all have just encountered the news of Kapilvastu where the dehumanization being promoted by the infiltrate vigilantes across the border, whereas such event being already reviewed in Gaur massacre and Terai riots, it can happen in another places anytime.
Due to lack of secure border concept, our national territories have been constantly encroached physically and psychologically by neighbor, so this appeal goes to all the responsible citizens and especially youth to be conscious about our Border. We must pressurize our government to regulate and manage indo-Nepal border. In addition to this message, a very important thought provoking documentary has been made, called “GREATER NEPAL-in quest of boundary”. As the name suggest this documentary has highlighted the border issue from the history to the current unmanaged border.
The first part of the documentary reveals the boundary during the unification process as we have read in the poem “Paschim Killa Kanagda PurbaMa Tista Pugethyiu, kun Satruko Samuma Kahile Hami Jhukethyiu”. The filmmaker has visually traveled from Tista in the east to Kanagda in the west (now in India) whereas also visually presented the Nalapani (where Balbhadra Kunwar fought) and Malaun(where Bhakti Thapa died).
The part finally review the Sugauli treaty of 1815 AD with East India Company due to which Nepal lost more than 1/3 territories to the British government. The second part of the documentary shows how our neighbor India is encroaching our territories and on this context how are we responsible too? The filmmaker has traveled from Pashupatinagar in the east to Kalapani in the west and on the course; the issue of Mechi river and Susta encroachment has also been presented.
The documentary reflects the clear message “Lets not forget our history and lets save our current Nepal whose sovereignty is in danger”. Due to lack of nationalism in us our nation has reached to such critical stage, if we the sensible youth won’t be responsible enough to motivate people to think seriously about national interest then sorry to say we can’t give sovereign, peaceful, beautiful and developed Nepal to our coming generation.
-Manoj Pandit is a film-maker of The Greater Nepal and a responsible youth for this Nation.
India, While Seeking UN Security Council Status, Takes Nepali Land
By Princess Shrestha, Kathmandu
Exactly one and a half months ago Indian Border Special Force (Sima Sasastra Bal) (SSB) began chasing Nepali families from Triveni Susta Village saying the territory lies under the jurisdiction of the Indian State of Bihar. About 1000 Indian farmers, who had entered Susta with the help of Indian forces, destroyed about 10 hectares of sugarcane planted by Nepali farmers and also manhandled men and women. This clearly shows India's interest to displace about 350 Nepali people from their homeland.
Nepali farmers didn't keep quiet this time. They formed a Committee for a "Save Susta Campaign" coordinated by Gopal Prasad Gurung. They took their appeal to Kathmandu, asking the government to intervene immediately and start fixing the border. The team met with the Home Minister Dan Bahadur Shahi and requested him to begin border demarcation talks with the Indian government. The villagers also requested the Home Minister to deploy security forces in Susta for the safety and security of Nepalis living there. Surprisingly, the minister did nothing, only saying that the forces were focused on fighting against Maoist rebels. The Royal government, which is more concerned with convincing the international community including India about its current position, is still quiet while Nepali farmers face harassment by Indian farmers and SSB personnel.
However, human rights defenders, researchers, border specialists and historians couldn't keep quiet. They visited Susta village to inspect the problems last week. The situation they describe is horrific, created by the "big brother" of South Asia. Nurjaha Begum broke down when the team led by Chetandra Jung Himali of the Civic Committee for Border Concerns listened to what Susta dwellers have been going through. Nurjaha told the team: "Indians beat Nepali men; and women are beaten up too, particularly they hit on sensitive parts of women. Indian forces accuse us that we have relations with the King and Maoists; they harass us stating that we smuggle tiger skin, which is not true."
The seven-member inspection team found the Indians to have encroached further into about 200 hectares of Nepali land. Indian farmers were found building houses in those areas, and about 1000 SSB were stationed there. "Now the total Nepali land that India has grabbed in Susta alone has reached about 14,000 hectares," says Buddhi Narayan Shrestha, a noted border specialist and historian in Nepal. India has encroached onto Nepali land in Susta on several occasions in the past.
Nepal-India border dispute not limited to Susta
The Narayani River flows from north to south, from Tribenighat to Sustait, forming a 24 kilometer border between Nepal and India. No physical demarcation was made on either side of the river though "boundary delimitation and delineation" was done after Nepal and India signed the Sugauli Treaty in 1816. This has created room for border disputes.
The International "Fixed Boundary Principle" and "Fluid Boundary Principle" are in practice for border demarcation. In Nepal-India's case, the 9th meeting of the Joint Technical Level Boundary Committee of the two countries in the first week of January 1988 had agreed to demarcate the riverine sector on the basis of the Fixed Boundary Principle. According to this principle, says the border specialist, Shrestha, "the borderline should be fixed along the course followed by the Narayani River in 1816 no matter whether or not the river flows along that area today." India does not accept this principle in Susta, while it has created disputes in the Mechi River area in eastern Nepal by erecting new border posts inside Nepali territory as per the Fixed Boundary Principle. The two cases of Mechi River area and Narayani River area are exactly the same in nature but India has imposed two different principles for them.
To stop encroachment, a police post was established in Susta. The government also built a health post and school in order to maintain Nepal's territorial integrity but time and again stories of confrontation between Nepali and Indian farmers have been coming to light. Also the locals narrate cases of Indian farmers trying to get Nepali citizenship by means of fraud and forgery in order to own those areas. However, Susta is not the only case, as Nepal shares over 1800 kilometers of border with India and border disputes exist in at least 85 different places. Boundary posts at dozens of points have disappeared; the 10-yard wide strip of no man's land between the two countries is getting blurred day by day and in addition 372 square kilometers of the Nepali territory of Kalipani at the tri-junction of Nepal, India and China has been occupied by Indian troops since the 1960s.
A map was drawn with the help of the Canadian government in 1985 and in 1992, another map was drawn with the assistance of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In both cases, the maps show the whole Susta area in Nepal's territory.
The actual scientific demarcation of the Nepal-India boundary had started during the topographical survey of the whole of Nepal carried out by the Survey of India in 1926-27. But India has delayed making all the topographical maps available. For instance, it has not made available 17 sheets of which 12 sheets pertain to the Nepal-India border of the Kalapani area, and 5 sheets pertaining to the Nepal-China border. Several attempts have been made at the national level to resolve the Susta issue but nothing has happened due to a negative Indian attitude. Indian bureaucrats always suspect a ploy being hatched by Beijing or Islamabad when Nepal brings any agenda for discussion. Early this month the Nepal-India Joint Technical Level Boundary Team met in order to resolve border disputes, but like many previous meetings, it ended inconclusively.
What does Nepali Civil Society say?
Nepal is a sovereign country and the government should take immediate action against Indian encroachment. "In fact the issue should be internationalized as India, claiming itself a representative of South Asia, is seeking a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council," says Gopal Siwakoti Chintan, a human rights defender. He questioned, "Would India's hegemonic nature towards smaller countries in the region qualify it to achieve the permanent seat in Security Council? The government should raise this question while dealing with India, which needs smaller countries' vote in UN elections."
Other members of Nepali civil society say that only a political commitment in both countries may resolve the border problems. However, what is happening in Susta tells a different political scenario. Bihar State of India, which shares the border with Nepal in the South, is holding elections of its State Assembly in January next year; and Indian politicians are influencing voters by distributing disputed Susta land to Indian farmers. It may also be mentioned that Sima Sasastra Bal (SSB) told Nepali families that they would be provided a land ownership certificate from India if they said that the territory belonged to India.
"1000 Indian farmers have entered in Susta, it is not only encroachment in our land, but also an encroachment in our nationality," said Ram Chandra Chataut, an activist. Adds the border specialist, Shrestha, "Historical documents should be collected in order to begin border demarcation immediately. If we remain quiet, those Nepalis living in frontier would become foreigners in future."
The Civic Committee for Border Concerns is launching programs under the Save Susta Campaign both in Nepal and India. Border specialist, Shrestha, historian Dr Surendra KC, human rights defender, Chintan and others are seeking an audience with King Gyanendra to request him to intervene immediately for resolving the Susta border dispute, and ending harassment faced by Nepali farmers. They will also submit a memorandum to the Indian government through its embassy in Kathmandu. They will meet with the Chief of the Army Staff of the Royal Nepalese Army to ensure security for Nepali people living along border areas. The Committee will make a documentary on the reality of Susta and organize interactions in New Delhi in order to inform concerned Indian citizens.
"India is using its media to misinform even Indian citizens. Recently, Indian TV spread a false story about my book, which was published seven years ago and tells the reality of Nepal-India border issues. Thus, we should not keep quiet," says Fanindra Nepal, a researcher.
Indian Encroachment Threatening Nepal's Sovereignty
By Reagan Shrestha
According to official records, Nepal covers a total area of 147,181 Sq km. But in reality, the territory of Nepal is gradually shrinking thanks to increasing encroachment by India that has put the sovereignty of Nepal at stake.
The reports prepared by Buddhi Narayan Shrestha renowned border expert after thorough survey make it evident that India has encroached about 59,970 hectares of Nepali territory at 54 points in 21 districts adjoining India in the east, west and South. But if the areas affected by the unilateral activities of our southern neighbor such as construction of dams and irrigation projects are considered as encroachment, which according to researcher Phanindra Nepal, we should, the number increases to 85 points.
Among the encroached areas, the much disputed Kalapani-Limpiyadhura area with 372 sq km (37,800 hectares) is the largest chunk of Nepali territory encroached by India. The encroachment started right after the India-China border war of November 1962. After facing defeat, the Indian army set up a camp inside Nepal's territory of Kalapani to keep an eye on Chinese activities. But now, they claim the area belongs to India.
The Treaty of Sugauli (1816) has clearly mentioned that the River Mahakali is the borderline of Nepal-India. The crux of the issue in dispute is the determination of the origin of the river Mahakali. "The maps of 1850 and 1856 prepared by the Survey of India with the participation of Nepalese authority clearly states that the river originates from Limpiyadhura, 16 km northwest of Kalapani, which proves that Kalapani belongs to Nepal," says Shrestha.
But the Indian side refuses to accept those maps as proof. They say that the map prepared by them in 1875 should be considered as proof as it was scientifically prepared. But what is remarkable is that the map does not have Nepal's certification. According to the map, the river Mahakali's origin is Lepulek.
In recent times, the Tribeni-Susta situated on the east of Narayani River in the mid-southern part of Nawalparasi district is the most tense area owing to encroachment.
Just a few weeks ago, some Indians invaded Nepali territory in Susta and burnt down all the sugarcane.
About two months ago, over 1000 Indian villagers backed by Indian Border Police Force (Seema Sashastra Bal) SSB had forcibly entered Nepalese territory in Susta. They completely destroyed the sugarcane in about 10 hectares of land and also manhandled men and women.
According to locals of Susta, such incidents are rampant in the area. Sometimes, they send Bihari miscreants to chase away Nepalis from their homes while sometime the Indian police cross the border and manhandle Nepalis on the pretext that they are searching for Munna Khan, an Indian gangster, who was once used by the Indian side to create disorder in Susta, says Shrestha.
Nepali farmers initiated the "Save Susta Campaign" to safeguard Nepalese territory but how long can they stop the Indian side is the question. They say they appealed to Nepalese authorities several times to take necessary action but the authorities are turning a deaf ear to them.
Experts say the changing course of the Narayani River is the main reason behind the dispute. Over the decades, the Narayani River has been changing its course toward the Nepalese side in the west, and the Indians have been trying to capture Nepalese territory. India has so far grabbed about 13,500 hectares of Nepalese land because of this.
The other most talked about point of dispute is Mechi. India's disapproval of Masonry Pillars popularly known as Junge Pillars as the main boundary pillars had sparked the Mechi Border dispute.
The map published in January 1818, right after the Sugauli Treaty, shows the Junge Pillars as the main boundary pillars. More importantly, history is evidence that British had erected those pillars as monuments of the Nepal-India border.
But the Nepal-India Joint Technical Border Committee adopted the Persian Map (Urdu script) of 1874 as the reference material, which was provided by the Indian side.
Because of the Nepali side's wrong decision accepting the Persian Map as the basis of demarcation, a total area of 1630 hectares of land has fallen on the Indian side.
Why does India encroach Nepal's land?Experts are of the view there could be multiple reasons why India eyes Nepali land.
If Phanindra Nepal is to be believed, India wants Kalapani area primarily to keep an eye on the Chinese, Pyaratal for its biological diversity, and a large part of terai land for agriculture," says Nepal. He also says it cannot be ruled out that a power and water hungry India is eyeing Nepal's rivers.
Shrestha also believes that the main reason for encroachment is that India wants to meet the demand for settlement and agriculture for its ever growing population.
What needs to be done to stop encroachment and solve dispute?According to Shrestha the issue can no longer be solved though bilateral meetings as India is not paying heed to Nepal's point of view. "The issue must be taken to the United Nations as India is not responding to Nepal's call for bilateral meeting," says Shrestha.
But Phanindra Nepal is of the view that lack of sincerity and patriotism are the main drawbacks of the Nepali side while negotiating with their Indian counterparts. He also says collective effort is needed to face the Indian side strongly. "Because of the news carried by the media, government deployed security personnel in Susta area on 28 October," he adds that media should carry border dispute news more frequently.
Besides, civic society must also pressurize the government to take necessary steps soon, he adds.
But we are virtually doing nothing to stop the encroachment and to resolve the existing dispute. Researchers like Shrestha and Nepal say there are so many such points where not even one security personnel has been deployed to guard our territory and citizens.
Altogether, 27 Nepal-India Joint Technical Level Boundary Committee meetings have been held in the last 25 years but they have not yielded any result yet.
Nepaleyes tried to get comments from concerned government officials on the outcomes of those meeting and what the Nepali bureaucracy was planning to do to resolve the dispute, but none them could be reached despite repeated attempts.
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Merchant of Delhi or Death
Who says India supports democracy?
India is a dictator state that breeds, supports, loves and nurtures dictators in Burma and Bhutan and Nepal.
If you have any confusion, ask the shameless Pranab Mukherjee - why does he supports Jigme in Bhutan, whose more than 100,000 people are langushing in Nepal's camps, and Burmese monks who are fighting for democracy and instead of support, getting bullets; with Love from India. India wants the right of Madheshi people in Nepal but it doesnot want rights of Nepali people in Bhutan. Why? because India is a opportunist country.
If it gets money, it will sell deaths in the whole South Asia like it is selling deaths in Terai of Nepal that is again to start from next week. Democracy for India means only and only dominence and superiority in South Asia. India wants to play the US in South Asia by selling deaths of millions in Nepal and Bhutan and Burma.
India is a merchant of death.
Exiled Myanmarese leaders are shocked by India's lukewarm stance following the military crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Myanmar, although analysts said New Delhi is walking a diplomatic tightrope to engage the junta for strategic reasons. "It is indeed very shocking to find one of the world's largest democracies (India) adopting a nuanced approach when the military is trying to neutralise pro-democracy supporters in its next door neighbour," Min Maung, an exiled Burmese student leader and now a correspondent for the British Broadcasting Service (Burmese Service) in New Delhi, told by telephone.
According to information reaching this border town in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, it was the 12th straight day Saturday since large-scale protests erupted against the ruling junta, which caused outrage in the impoverished Southeast Asian nation by doubling fuel prices on Aug 15. "Even Communist China has come down heavily on the junta's crackdown on the pro-democracy movement. The role of India is surely questionable although we still expect New Delhi to take some bold stand," Kyaw Than, president of the All Burmese Students' League, told. IANS. Than is among 2,500 Myanmarese nationals who fled to India after the military rulers cracked down on pro-democracy leaders in 1988. He is currently based in Imphal, the capital of Manipur.
India's external affairs ministry gave a guarded statement earlier this week expressing 'concern' over the recent turmoil in Myanmar at a time when the whole world is condemning the brutal attacks on protesting monks.
"As a close and friendly neighbour, India hopes to see a peaceful, stable and prosperous Myanmar, where all sections of people will be included in a broad-based process of national reconciliation and political reform," an Indian foreign office statement said. "India is caught in a Catch 22 situation with several strategic factors forcing a restrained stand -- primary reason being that New Delhi would like to offset China's influence on Myanmar by being a little soft on the junta," Said Wasbir Hussain, a security analyst on South Asian affairs based in the northeast. China is considered the biggest military hardware supplier to Myanmar with Beijing attempting to encircle the junta-led nation of 47 million people. China is also engaging itself with Myanmar as a gateway to the Indian Ocean and as a route for minimising its dependence on the Malacca Strait for the movement of its energy supplies from West Asia and Africa.
"Myanmar has of late acknowledged the presence of several rebel groups from India's northeast in their country and its military have from time to time cracked down on the separatist bases. This is another reason for New Delhi to keep the junta on its side," Maung said.
Until the mid-1990s, India was openly supporting pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi. It was only in 2004 that New Delhi changed track and welcomed military strongman Gen Than Shwe during his visit to the capital.
"Security concerns prompted New Delhi to engage with the military junta, especially after Yangon launched several raids on Indian separatist bases," Hussain said.
The growing energy needs in India and Myanmar's large reserves of natural gas is also seen as one of the factors for New Delhi to adopt a middle path (?) by not directly antagonising Yangon.
There were plans afoot to use natural gas from Myanmar with Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) conducting feasibility studies.
Some four to six trillion cubic feet (TFC) of gas reserves were discovered recently in Myanmar. "It would be economically cheaper to wheel back gas from Myanmar for use in India and considering the energy requirements, New Delhi must have decided to react cautiously to the ongoing developments," a petroleum ministry official said.
China and other Asian nations have also been eyeing Myanmar's vast energy resources.
Disregarding these issues, Than said: "India should avoid looking for petty interests and try prevailing upon Myanmar to check the brutalities. India should set an example by upholding democratic values or else India's image would slide among the international community."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
SSB sends present for Nepal
Members of Seema Suraksha Bal (SSB), India's paramilitary force which is deployed along Nepal-India border, handed over the body of Ram Dulare Chamar of Nimkothiya in Gulariya Municipality to his family on Sunday.
Chamar was reportedly shot dead by the SSB security men along the no-man's-land when he was returning his home from bordering market of India Friday. They had seized his body after the killing.
Deputy Superintendent of Police in Bardiya Pawan Kharel informed Chamar was shot dead by SSB constable Shiva Kumar Thakur. However, SSB officials have been maintaining that Chamar was killed in retaliation as he attempted to snatch weapons from their force. Locals outrightly rejected SSB's claims.
The area is still tense, as the locals have been protesting demanding action against the guilty SSB personnel and compensation to the bereaved
Chamar, 33, also known in the area as Laxman, was shot dead while returning home on his bicycle after purchasing some household articles from a neighboring market on the Indian side, said Police Inspector Ganesh Banstola.
Another local, Ram Kumar Khairaha, who was with the deceased managed to run to safety during the incident.
Following the killing, the SSB personnel also seized the body and took it to Baharaich in India.
After word of Chamar's killing spread, irate locals protested in the area Saturday against the "murderering" SSB men. They also demanded that the government of India provide immediate and proper compensation to the family of the deceased, take action against guilty SSB personnel and return the body at once.
Following the protests, the border area remained tense throughout Saturday.
The locals also alleged that the SSB was trying to prepare an investigation report saying Chamar was killed in a clash. Public movement to and from India through this border point has not been restricted so far.
Locals on the Nepali side of the international border have long complained of harassment and high-handedness by the Indian border force but the authorities on both sides have so far failed to control the 'unruly' acts of the errant force.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The pain of losing a nation

By Sudheer Sharma
On the northern corner of West Bengal state of India , there is a hill station-- Kalimpong, which once hosted celebrities from all over the world. The hill town, where most of the settlers are of Nepali origin, no longer retains its old charm. But until a few weeks ago the last prime minister of a country—that has lost its independence—used to live here. Kazi Lhendup Dorji, who died on 28 July this year at the ripe old age of 103, had played a pivotal role in the merger of Sikkim into India .
Dorji is seen as a ‘traitor’ in the contemporary history. He lived, and died, with the same ignominy. “Everybody accuses me of selling the country. Even if it is true, should I alone be blamed?” he asked me, when I met him in Kalimpong in November 1996. But the allegation of ‘betrayal’ towards one’s own motherland was so powerful that Dorji could no more lead an active political life. He spent his solitary life at the ‘Chakung House’ in Kalimpong for several decades. Few people chose to remember Kazi when he passed away nor took pain to recall his life and times.
So much so that the Kazi was ignored even by Delhi . “I went out of my way to ensure the merger of Sikkim into India but after the work was done, the Indians just ignored me,” Kazi told me during an interview for Jana Astha weekly, nearly 11 years ago. “Earlier, I used to be given a ‘Red Carpet’ welcome. Now I have to wait for weeks even to meet second grade leaders.”
When I visited Kalimpong for the second time in 2000, Lhendup’s anger towards Delhi had reached new heights. At one time, he was received warmly by Indian leaders including Jawaharlal Nehru and Mrs Indira Gandhi. But later he became a political actor whose utility had been finished and thrown away into the dustbin.
The origin of crisis
After India got independence in 1947, the Sikkim State Congress, which was established as per the advice of Nehru, launched anti-King movement. Sikkim managed to overcome the crisis then but after Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister of India, the tiny Himalayan kingdom found itself in a crisis from which it could never escape. The anti-King movement, launched by the Sikkim National Congress (SNC) under the leadership of Lhendup Dorji in 1973, led to the demise of a sovereign nation.
India openly supported the movement against King (Chogyal) Palden Thondup Namgyal. The then ADC to the King, Captain Sonam Yongda, claimed that soldiers of Indian Army in civil dress used to take part in the protests. Some of the protesters were brought from Darjeeling and the surrounding areas. The number of Sikkimese who took part in the protest was quite small. But that was enough.
Lhendup’s protest movement depended mainly on Indian financial assistance. The money was made available through Intelligence Bureau (IB). “The people from IB used to visit me twice or thrice a year. An IB agent, Tejpal Sen, used to handover money to me personally,” Dorji had told me in a recorded interview.
In fact, the main actor behind the “ Mission Sikkim ” was India ’s external intelligence agency, RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). Set up in 1968, RAW was able to disintegrate Pakistan (and form Bangladesh ) within three years. The annexation of Sikkim was their other ‘historic’ success. The strategists of RAW didn’t want to repeat a Bhutan in Sikkim . Bhutan managed to acquire the membership of the United Nations in 1968. So, they launched a movement under the leadership of Lhendup, which is described at great length by Ashok Raina in his book Inside RAW: The Story of India’s Secret Service.
Raina writes that New Delhi had taken the decision to annex Sikkim in 1971, and that the RAW used the next two years to create the right conditions within Sikkim to make that happen. The key here was to use the predominantly-Hindu Sikkimese of Nepali origin who complained of discrimination from the Buddhist king and the elite to rise up. “What we felt then was that the Chogyal was unjust to us,” said CD Rai, editor of Gangtok Times and ex-minister. “We thought it may be better to be Indian than to be oppressed by the king.”
Lhendup—who belonged to the Kazi family—had a historic enmity with Sikkim ’s ruling Chogyals. He said he wanted to pressurise the King through public protests but lamented that the King never came forward for reconciliation.
Under pressure from Delhi , the Sikkimese King was forced to hold tripartite talks with SNC and India . The talks not only curtailed royal powers, it also turned Sikkim into an Indian ‘protectorate.’ In the elections held in 1974, Lhendup’s SNC got overwhelming majority in the parliament. The government and the king saw each other as enemies. Ultimately, the cabinet meeting, on 27th March 1975 , decided to abolish monarchy. The Sikkimese parliament endorsed it and decided to hold a referendum on the future of monarchy. Four days later, the outcome of the poll in 57 stations across the country was: ‘Abolition of the monarchy.’
In an interview, then Agriculture Minister of Sikkim KC Pradhan recalled that the referendum was nothing but a charade. “Indian soldiers rigged the polls by pointing rifles at the hapless voters,” he said. Immediately after the referendum, Kazi Lhendup moved a motion in the parliament proposing that Sikkim be annexed to India . The 32-member parliament, which had 31 members from Lhendup’s SNC—passed the motion without a blink. Needless to say that the entire episode was being orchestrated by India . The then Indian envoy to Sikkim (known as ‘political officer’) BS Das wrote in his book The Sikkim Saga, Sikkim ’s merger was necessary for Indian national interest. And we worked to that end. Maybe if the Chogyal had been smarter, and played his cards better, it wouldn’t have turned out the way it did.”
But Chogyal didn’t play his cards well. When Sikkim was undergoing turmoil, the Chogyal visited Kathmandu in 1974 to attend the coronation ceremony of King Birendra. According to insiders, King Birendra, Chinese deputy premier Chen Li Yan and Pakistan ’s envoy advised Chogyal not to return to Sikkim . “They narrated a ‘master plan’ to save Sikkim from Indian hands but the King didn’t accept,” said Captain Yongda. “It was because the King couldn’t think even in his dreams that India could use force to annex Sikkim .”
A ‘double game’
In fact, India was playing a ‘double game.’ On one hand, it was supporting Lhendup in whatever way possible against the King. On the other hand, it was assuring the king that monarchy would survive in Sikkim . The Chogyal was also an honorary Major General of the Indian Army. He never thought that his ‘own army’ would act against him. It was only an illusion.
The Chogyal of Sikkim was in his palace on the morning of 6 April 1975 when the roar of army trucks climbing the steep streets of Gangtok brought him running to the window. There were Indian soldiers everywhere, they had surrounded the palace, and short rapid bursts of machine gun fire could be heard. Basanta Kumar Chhetri, a 19-year-old guard at the palace’s main gate, was struck by a bullet and killed—the first casualty of the takeover. The 5,000-strong Indian force didn’t take more than 30 minutes to subdue the palace guards who numbered only 243. By 12:45 pm it was all over, Sikkim ceased to exist as an independent kingdom.
The Chogyal also lost the second opportunity. The Sikkim Guards had the capacity to stop the Indian Army for two hours. If the Chogyal had informed Beijing and Islamabad about the Indian invasion from the transmitter set up at his palace, both the countries had assured him—during the Kathmandu meeting—that they would instruct their security forces to open fire along the borders with India . Chinese army could even travel to Gangtok to rescue the Chogyal.
Captured palace guards, hands raised high, were packed into trucks and taken away, singing: “Dela sil, li gi, gang changka chibso” (May my country keep blooming like a flower). But by then, the Indian tri-colour had replaced the Sikkimese flag at the palace where the 12th king of the Namgyal dynasty was held prisoner. “The Chogyal was a great believer in India . He had huge respect for Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. Not in his wildest dreams did he think India would ever gobble up his kingdom,” recalls Captain Sonam Yongda, the Chogyal’s aide-de-camp. Nehru himself had told journalist Kuldip Nayar in 1960: “Taking a small country like Sikkim by force would be like shooting a fly with a rifle.” Ironically it was Nehru’s daughter Indira Gandhi who cited “national interest” to make Sikkim the 22nd state of the Indian union.
During a meeting, former Chief Minister of Sikkim BB Gurung told me that the King and Lhendup were just fighting a proxy war. “The real battle was between an American and a Belgian lady.” If that was true, the real victor was the third lady—Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Two Foreign Ladies
Chogyal Palden met the 24-year-old New Yorker, Hope Cook, in Darjeeling in 1963 and married her. For Cook, this was a dream come true: to become the queen of an independent kingdom in Shangri-la. She started taking the message of Sikkimese independence to the youth, and the allegations started flying thick and fast that she was a CIA agent. These were the coldest years of the Cold War, and there was a tendency in India to see a “foreign hand” behind everything so it was not unusual for the American queen to be labelled a CIA agent. However, as Hope Cook’s relations with Delhi deteriorated, so did her marriage with the Chogyal. In 1973, she took her two children and went back to New York . She hasn’t returned to Sikkim since.
Then there was Elisa-Maria, daughter of a Belgian father and German mother who left her Scottish husband in Burma and married Kazi Lhendup Dorji in Delhi in 1957. The two couldn’t have been more different. Elisa-Maria wanted to be Sikkim ’s First Lady, but Hope Cook stood in the way. “She didn’t just want to be the wife of an Indian chief minister; she wanted to be the wife of the prime minister of an independent Sikkim .” With that kind of an ambition, it was not surprising that with annexation, neither Hope Cook nor Elisa-Maria got what they wanted.
Meanwhile, in New Delhi Indira Gandhi was going from strength to strength, and India was flexing its muscles. The 1971 Bangladesh war and the atomic test in 1974 gave Delhi the confidence to take care of Sikkim once and for all. Indira Gandhi was concerned that Sikkim may show independent tendencies and become a UN member like Bhutan did in 1971, and she also didn’t take kindly to the three Himalayan kingdoms, Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal, getting too cosy with each other.
When the Indian troops moved in there was general jubilation on the streets of Gangtok. It was in fact in faraway Kathmandu that there were reverberations. Beijing expressed grave concern. But in the absence of popular protests against the Indian move, there was only muted reaction at the United Nations in New York . It was only later that there were contrary opinions within India —(Former Indian Prime Minister) Morarji Desai said in 1978 that the merger was a mistake. Even Sikkimese political leaders who fought for the merger said it was a blunder and worked to roll it back. But by then, it was already too late.
Lhendup Dorji became the first chief minister of the Indian state of Sikkim and retained the post until 1979. The Indian government conferred on him ‘Padma Bhusan’ in 2002 and he was also awarded the ‘Sikkim Ratna’ by the state government in 2004.
Despite such “rewards,” Lhendup and his wife Elisa spent their last years in Kalimpong repenting their past deeds. After the death of his wife in 1990, Lhendup was forced to lead a solitary life. He neither had any children nor relatives to take care of him. He cut himself off from his own people to avoid their wrath and hatred.
In the elections held in 1979, Lhendup’s SNC failed to bag even a single seat in the Sikkim ’s legislature. This effectively brought to an end to his political career. At one time, when he had gone to file his nomination, his name was missing from the electoral roll. In his resolve to dethrone the Chogyal dynasty that had 400-year-old history in Sikkim , Lhendup ended up delivering his motherland into the lap of India . In return, all he got was a life haunted from the shadow of the past and an ignominious death.
(Sudheer Sharma is the editor of Nepal weekly magazine and can be reached at This article was published in Nepal magazine. But it is reproduced here for the people to find the similarity in the situation then in Sikkim and now in Nepal.)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Doing Dadgiri, preaching gandhigiri
When you have such friends, you dont need enemies.
Its India-built illegal dams that are flooding Nepali villages and killing Nepalese people, and now Indian blame Nepal for this. Jo Chor Usko Thulo Shor.
Indian ambassador to Nepal Shiv Shankar Mukherjee met with Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala Tuesday morning at the latter's official residence in Baluwatar and discussed the inundation problems in the Terai.
Nepali lawmakers have been raising concern that Terai districts were inundated during the recent rains due to the embankments constructed by the Indian government along the border.
The villagers in Terai have also demanded that the Nepal government must hold talks with Indian authorities immediately to finalise the flood problems being faced by the Nepalis every monsoon.
The talks between Mukherjee and PM Koirala comes a day after the Bihar chief minister on Monday had asked his prime minister to hold talks with the Nepal government to solve the flood problem in Bihar caused by the rivers from Nepal.
India has built a number of embankments along the border with Nepal to control floods in Bihar while it has opposed the construction of embankments by Nepal to control the flood.
Large plains in Nepal close to the border face inundation due to India-built embankments. .
Sitaula is a threat
Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula claimed that no agitating group in Terai poses any threat to national integrity. Because he is the greatest threat for this country and its integrity. "None of the agitating groups in Terai, including both the factions of the Jantantric Terai Mukti Morcha, are separatists and that the government can find a negotiated settlement with all of them," he said. The Home Minister who is worthless and cannot protect his own governmental officers, VDC secretaries like Gautam and Pokharel, breifed this to parliamentary Peace Agreement Monitoring Special Committee.
Mukherjee meet Nepali Foreign minister Sahana Pradhan to discuss flood
It means India will built more dams to kill more Nepalese on Nepal India borders in teh coming days. Indian mentality will never change until these dams kill Indian and those in Delhi themselves, they keep on building dams despite Nepalese protest and continuing killing Nepalese.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Indian highheadedness kills many Nepalese in terai
They also urged the government to take immediate initiative to hold dialogue with the Indian government to provide outlet to the water from Laxmanpur Barrage built near Banke district, and other dams.
When inquired regarding this, Jawed Ashraf, Counselor at the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu, said the opening of an outlet has not materialized due to inaction from the government of Nepal, and added that focusing only on Laxmanpur is "an effort to shift attention" from the larger problem of managing floods in the country.
"Flooding is there from the beginning of the foothills all the way down to the Ganges, and not just along the border. Even Bihar and parts of UP are flooded," he said.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
SSB men enter Nepal, thrash 5
SSB men enter Nepali territory, thrash 5
Among those battered are 65-year-old Til Bahadur GC, 55-year-old Aaite Kumari Bote, 21-year-old Ganesh Aryal, 18-year-old Tam Bahadur Kunwar and 11-year-old Ishwor Dhungana, all of Shankarbasti of the municipality.
According to the victims, eight armed SSB men turned up at a farm where they were grazing their cattle and beat them up severely.
"Two of them attacked me with rifle butts," said Bote. In the aftermath of the incident, hundreds of Nepalis protested against the SSB men's atrocities at the no-man's-land area, demanding action against the guilty and treatment for the injured.
After the situation turned tense due to the protest, additional troops were deployed under the command of Inspector L N Singh, by the SSB, while a team of Nepali policemen was also sent to the place by District Police Office Bardiya. Both sides later held talks, where the victims were also allowed to express their grievances.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Unstable South Asia: An Indian expansionist dream
Life has been affected in the Terai region on the second day of the three-day Terai strike announced by the agitating Madhesi Tigers.
The tigers have announced a banda alleging that they had still not retrieved the body of two of their cadres who had been killed in police firing a week ago.
The cadres were killed in a police operation while they (police) were rescuing Rashtriya Janashakti Party, Sunsari member Kedar Bishta.
The strike has affected the rural areas of Saptari and Siraha the most.
According to locals, they are having difficulties in obtaining daily commodities due to the closure of markets and transportation services.
Meanwhile, other districts remain untouched by the effects of the closure. And the remote of terai voilance is in New Delhi.
At a time when the alternative of resettling the Bhutanese refugees to third countries is being seriously considered, an outfit named Bhutan Tigers Force (BTF), a group said to be active in Bhutan in an underground manner, has warned the refugees against going for that option.
Posters and pamphlets said to be pasted by the outfit on the walls, trees and makeshift shacks in the refugee camps of Jhapa and Morang yesterday night warned that if the refugees opted for third country resettlement strong action would be taken against the agencies facilitating the resettlement.
However, the group didn’t explain why it was against the idea.
Resettling the refugees in a third country would only make the respectful return of refugees more difficult, hinder the movement waged for refugee repatriation and would be considered a conspiracy to wipe the identity of the refugees, it has been stated in the pamphlet.
An estimated 106,000 refugees have been living in Nepal since 1990 after being forcefully evicted from their homes by the Bhutanese government. U.S, Canada, Australia including few Nordic countries had proposed to take certain number of the Bhutanese refugees to their countries as part of the third country resettlement option after 15 rounds of bilateral negotiations between Nepalese and Bhutanese governments failed to resolve the refugee stalemate.
Refugees as well as their leaders remain divided over the third country option.
Bad Friendly Signs
ULFA setting up camp in Nepal: Reports
The United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), an Indian separatist group based in the Northeastern state of Assam, is shifting its base to Nepal, reported AFP news agency.
"We were in touch with Maoist groups in Nepal and procuring arms, ammunition and explosives for ULFA," Ghanakanta Bora, a senior ULFA rebel who along with his wife surrendered to Indian troops in Assam on Tuesday, was quoted as saying.
The former rebel leader said the decision comes in the wake of crackdowns in the front's Myanmar and Bangladesh hide-outs by the respective governments. "With both the military junta in Myanmar and the caretaker government in Bangladesh deciding to crackdown on groups like ULFA, the top leadership decided to look for safer sanctuaries," he told reporters.
"Nepal was considered the safest location," Bora said at a ceremony marking his surrender also attended by senior army officials.
He said the group "is currently preparing to shift a large number of cadres and leaders" to Nepal, an allegation the Maoist top brass here deny.
The ULFA has been blamed for ethnic massacres and a bombing campaign in oil and timber-rich Assam state.
Separatist violence has claimed an estimated 20,000 lives since 1979 in Assam, the largest state in India's northeast.
The Maoists, however, dismissed the allegations.
"This is totally baseless, we don't know anybody from ULFA and we have never had any relationship with them at any point in the past," Baburam Bhatterai, the Maoist second-in-command said.
"These allegations could have been made to try and derail Nepal's peace process and drag us into disputes," he said.
Why did India say that, we want an answer: Prachanda
Maoist Chairman Prachanda Wednesday claimed that media reports that India has stressed on a coalition only between the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML indicated the beginning of foreign meddling in Nepali politics.
Stating that such a statement from India at a time when the eight-party coalition was working for a democratic republic and Constituent Assembly polls was a "bad sign," Prachanda also claimed that the statement was an open intervention in Nepali politics.
"Delhi's statement has enraged the Maoists," Prachanda said, adding, "India has no right to keep some parties close to it while distancing others. Why did they (India) say that, we want an answer."
Speaking at a programme organized by the Maoist affiliated Revolutionary Journalists' Association in Butwal today, the Maoist chief also said that the argument that the latest Maoist activities had made India suspicious, was baseless.
Expressing concern over the recent Maoist activities, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during a meeting with UML team headed by General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal, on Tuesday had said that the unity between the Nepali Congress and UML be strengthened.
"We found that the Indian prime minister doubts the Maoist activities. The Indian premier also stressed on a permanent unity between the Nepali Congress and our party," a UML leader who was present at the meeting told ekantipur Tuesday.
Prachanda said, "In this critical time, India should suggest the eight parties to move ahead united, otherwise it better not speak on Nepali affairs."
"It's for the Nepali people to suggest and direct the Nepali political parties as to what they should do, how and when. It's not the job of New Delhi and the US."
Claiming that royalists and certain sections of the international community were plotting against the Maoists, the former rebel chief said that the CA elections would have no meaning under such circumstances.
"On the one hand there is this foreign meddling, while on the other there is the king. Both plotting against us. We will not go for a constituent assembly in such a time. Therefore the parliament should declare a republic first," he said.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Letter to Moriarty and Mukherjee uncle
Do they have human rights or not?
Can they go to their home land or not?
What type of democrats are you?
You both are worst than Hitler,
how can you claim yourself democracy?
Bhutanese refugees on Wednesday called
off their Long March for voluntary
repatriation following two-hour long talks but
this fire is now spread, the blood of one fellow
Nepali youth will not go wasted,
Either India give way to Bhutanese
or declare yourself as a dictator Jigme's
On Tuesday morning, the Indian security
personnel beat up refugees attempting to
cross the Mechi Bridge and open fired .
Saha Bahadur Dewan, 18, becae martyr for
Bhutan's freedom from dictator Jigme.
India is a murderer of a Bhutanese
Today, the Bhutanes youths burned the effigy
of Indian prime Minsiter Manmohan Singh
in front of Indian embassy, Kathmandu, which
in recent days is more contrpversial in South Asia.
Long Live Bhutanese freedom.
Doen with Indian dictatorship.
Friday, April 6, 2007
More presents from New Delhi
Indian SSB personnel enter Nepalese territory, threaten locals
Kantipur Report MORANG, April 5 - Indian paramilitary — Shashastra Seema Bal (SSB) — Wednesday night entered Nepal and misbehaved with the locals of the Bardanga VDC, border area for Eastern Morang. According to locals, the armed SSB personnel threatened to shoot the locals if they did not obey orders. Earlier on March 25, the SSB had entered Nepal and thrashed a Sijuwa local Chiranjibi Khatiwada — who was returning after buying rice from Nepalese farmers — and three other locals and robbed Rs 25,000 from Khatiwada. They also take a monthly sum from all the businessmen in the border area, say the victimized businessmen. They had entered Nepal with their arms to threaten locals not to reveal their earlier thrashing. According to a local Salim Miya, the SSB personnel forced the locals to sign a paper stating that the earlier incident had taken place in India and that Khatiwada had brought the rice from India. Miya also said that after the locals refused to sign, they threatened to shoot and paid 25 people from another village — who had no idea about the incident whatsoever — to sign as witnesses. Threatening the Bardanga locals to shoot any time they wished, they fled to India.
And why did Mr Ram Sharan Mahat go to Delhi, as an unwelcomed guest? Only the PM and the foreign minister were invited for SAARC, but what was he doing. It's simple - he was in Delhi to auction Upper Karnali and Tamakoshi and Arun III.NC sold Koshi and Gandagi, everyone know in Nepal.NC and the nationalist UML jointely sold Mahakali. Our K P Oli used to calculate crors and crors Nepal may get after signing Mahakali, where is that may be Oli knows.Now, its Karnali's turn, and all the big rivers are sold. But do you beleive Kaal Bhairav will see this unjustice and keep quite.NO, everyone, including KP Oli, Ram Sharan Mahat and whoever are involve din selling nepali resources will be punished by Kaal Bhairav. They and all other anti-Nepali frauds have to pay for each penny they stole from Nepal.I am Kaal Bhairav and now I am awakeing and nepal will get justice. Nepalese will get justice and all the fruds and cheaters are cursed. Their money willnot be useful for them and their family. Their family should perish instead of Nepalese people - and it is a curse from Kaal Bhairav. Amin!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The story of love and friendship goes like this
These are some of the news that tell the story
Indians sit-in at Jogbani point, lend support to MJF
(its no surprise, as India can do any shameless act)
Activists of an Indian group called Seema Jagaran Manch (SJM) of Bihar organised a sit-in at Indo-Nepal transit point at Jogbani on Wednesday stopping all export and import activities.
The SJM activists expressed their solidarity with the agitation launched by Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) in Nepal, reports Kantipur daily. In a statement issued by the SJM, it has stated that they organised the sit-in to protest police atrocities against Indian nationals during Terai agitation launched by MJF.
Some activists of MJF also accompanied the SJM in the sit-in. The SJM has also accused the Maoists of expanding their organisation by staying in Indian territory and of unleashing atrocities against Indian nationals in Biratnagar, Gaur and Biratnagar with the help of police.
The daily quotes Bhanu Prasad Raya, president of SJM, as saying that the Maoists were expanding their organization in Indian territory and that the sit-in was held to exert pressure to stop it
Due to the sit-in, the collection revenue at the Biratnagar customs office was seriously affected on Wednesday. On an average, the office collects Rs 18 million revenue daily and around 300 cargo trucks move to and fro the Jogbani point. sd Mar 29 07
(These reporters may loose their job from the pressure of Indian embassy)
BIRATNAGAR, March 29 - At a time when speculations are rife about the involvement of people from neighboring India in violent rallies of the Madheshi People's Rights Forum (MPRF) in terai districts, an organization based in the Indian state of Bihar staged a sit-in in the Indian side of the Jogbani border point "protesting police crackdown on Indian nationals during MPRF rallies and expressing solidarity with MPRF's protests", Wednesday.
The sit-in by Seema Jagaran Manch, Bihar, has not only confirmed the involvement of Indian nationals in violent MPRF rallies, but also raised questions over the type of nexus the MPRF has with the organization.
Customs work was halted as agitators prevented vehicles from plying via the border point. On a normal day, around 300 goods trucks pass through the point while the Customs Office collects at least Rs 18 million in revenue.
In a statement, the Manch also accused Maoists of attacking Indian nationals with the help of police in Biratnagar, Gaur, Birgunj and many other places during MPRF's protest programs.
"The sit-in at the border point is also aimed at exerting pressure to stop the Maoists' ongoing expansion of their organization in India in recent times," said Bhanu Prasad Rai, chairman of the organization. He also clearly said that his organization "fully supports MPRF's movement in the Terai".
The local administration claims that Wednesday's sit-in was enough to justify the earlier suspicion of infiltration of Indian nationals in rallies organized here by MPRF in the past.
On January 31, two Indian nationals--Dalbal Tiwari and Rustam Miya--along with half a dozen other MPRF cadres were injured in a clash with police at bordering Materuwa area as protesters tried to snatch weapons from the police. On that very day, Sub-inspector Nareshjung Karki was brutally killed as MPRF cadres stormed the Budhanagar police post.
Local authorities also claim that a large number of Indians had taken part in the violent demonstration at Singhiya Bridge area on February 7 where two MPRF cadres were killed in police action.
Meanwhile, police claimed that MPRF cadres and leaders were also present at the sit-in. MPRF's Budhanagar chairman Prithvi Chanda Sah, Biratnagar-22 chairman Mahesh Shah and many cadres of Amaduwa village also participated in the sit-in, police sources at bordering Rani post claimed.
Bihar politician's name crops up in Nepal carnage
KATHMANDU: An all-women team of human rights activists and journalists who visited violence-hit Gaur town to investigate the massacre last week - in which at least 29 people were killed — will seek an appointment with Indian ambassador to Nepal Shiv Shankar Mukherjee to express serious concerns about Indian criminal gangs possible involvement and the rise in anti-social activities on both sides of the border. Shobha Gautam, coordinator of Shanti Malika, an umbrella of 18 rights organisations, told the media in Kathmandu on Monday, after returning from the southern district, that her team was concerned at the stepped-up campaigning in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh by local Indian leaders in support of the ongoing agitation in the Terai for an autonomous Madhes state for plains people. The controversial nature of some of the Indian leaders campaigning in Bairgania and Katihar in India has raised fear in Nepal that armed men from across the border could have sneaked in and unleashed violence in Gaur. Bihar leader Anand Mohan Singh, whose name came up in the lynching of Gopalganj district magistrate G Krishnaiyah in 1994, who was found carrying arms inside Lok Sabha four years later, and has been named in over two dozen criminal cases, had been campaigning in border towns before and after the violence in Nepal. Also present at some of the public rallies were Bihar politicians Dadan Singh Yadav, who was dubbed Pahalwan for advocating the infusion of wrestling in politics, former Bihar health minister Shakuni Chaudhary and former MP Rambachan Paswan. Various rights group returning from Gaur say the carnage was pre-planned with at least three girls being brutally raped and then beaten to death with bricks and stones
7 killed in Nepal, Indian gang suspected
KATHMANDU: Seven people were injured Tuesday in a broad daylight shootout by a suspected Indian gang in Nepal's frontier Parsa district. Though Chhotelal Sahani, the alleged leader of an Indian gang that had been preying on traders in both India and Nepal, is currently in India's Motihari jail, there has been no respite for businessmen in southern Nepal, who continue to be plagued in his name. Four men arrived on motorcycles in the Chandal Chowk area of Parsa and fired at a shop, including shop-owner Vinod Gupta, when the country was celebrating the Hindu religious festival of Ram Navami. More than half the injured are said to be Indians. Some of the injured were rushed to neighbouring Indian city Patna for treatment. The gunmen left pamphlets at the site, claiming the attack to be the handiwork of Sahani. "You have a choice," the pamphlets said. "Your money or your life." There were several attacks on businessmen last year, allegedly by members of the Sahani gang, near their residences or work places for resisting extortion demands. Tuesday's attack comes even as Nepal has been expressing fear that Indian criminals were involved in last week's massacre in another frontier town in Nepal-Gaur-where at least 29 people died and dozens were injured. Human rights and media teams that visited the town in Rautahat district after the last carnage suspect the involvement of local politicians from Indian border towns. Bihar politician and former MP Anand Mohan Singh, accused in several criminal cases, had been holding public meetings in Indian towns adjoining Nepal's border just before the Gaur massacre and there is rising clamour in Nepal for an investigation into the Indian connection. Singh and other Bihar politicians, like former minister Dadan Singh Yadav, Shakuni Chaudhary, Vashihst Narayan Singh and former legislator Rambachan Paswan, have been addressing mass meetings in Indian towns, supporting Nepal's Madhesi Janadhikar Forum-an ethnic group demanding an autonomous state for Terai people in southern Nepal. Subodh Pyakurel, the chief of the Informal Sector Service, Nepal's biggest NGO, said rights activists were told by villagers that 300 people bearing arms had arrived in Gaur from across the border a day before the attack. "The government should conduct an investigation," said Sushil Pyakurel, a former member of Nepal's National Human Rights Commission. "Then it should begin talks with the Indian government to look into these allegations."
The headline should be Indian traders blackmail Nepal government
Indian traders protest 'unfair' Nepal tax
Indo-Asian News Service
Kathmandu, March 25, 2007
Indian businessmen in Nepal are protesting against a tax imposed by the Nepal government from 2005, calling it unfair and misleading.
Over 150 Indians signed a petition on Thursday, asking Nepal's finance ministry to revoke a tax that though intended for tourists, is being levied indiscriminately on Indians living in Nepal and running businesses in Kathmandu.
Indian businessman Manoj Singhal said the group will also petition Nepal's foreign ministry and culture, tourism and civil aviation ministry, telling them it was wrong to levy the tourism service fee meant for tourists on people residing in Nepal.
In January 2005, when King Gyanendra was finalising his plan to stage a coup and seize power with the help of the army, as a step to generate more funds for his ambitious plan, he persuaded the then government, appointed by him, to restructure the tourism service fee.
Earlier, tourists visiting Nepal had to pay the fee only when they took part in acknowledged tourist activities, like trekking, rafting, staying in hotels and dining at restaurants.
However, the financial ordinance issued on Jan 14, 2005 now makes it mandatory for all non-Nepalis flying out of Nepal's only international airport to pay the tax.
While making the revision, the state-run Nepal Tourism Board tried to justify it by saying it would facilitate tourists' stay in Nepal, ridding them of the trouble of having to pay the fee each time they availed of a tourism service.
However, in reality, the scheme was part of the drive by the royal government to raise funds for the Royal Nepalese Army to start a military operation against the Maoists and increase security operations like surveillance on politicians.
Around the same time, the government also increased value added tax to 13 percent. This means now any non-Nepali departing from Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport has to pay a tourism service fee of NRS 565, irrespective of whether they are tourists or not.
Singhal says it is doubly unfair to impose this tax on Indian businessmen resident in Nepal since they are already paying the government additional tax 25 per cent of their earnings which establishes the fact they are not tourists.
The petition quotes the Oxford dictionary definition of a tourist. A tourist is a person who makes a short stay, is not a resident and is not allowed to take part in business activities. "We are registered with the Nepal government," says Singhal. "How can we then be regarded as tourists?"
There are at least 20,000 Indian families resident in Kathmandu alone. Thousands of Indians live in the outer districts, working or running businesses. Some of them have been living in Nepal for over three decades, and still have to pay the tourism service fee.
The Indian embassy in Kathmandu is reported to have taken up the matter several times with the Nepal government but to no avail. Though the new seven-party government of prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala that came to power after the fall of King Gyanendra's regime scrapped many of the decisions taken by the royal cabinet, it has not revoked any of the decisions affecting India and Indians adversely.
(Not only they are blackmailing government, Indian companies in Nepal are looting public also. Everyone knows the case of UTL, that got Rs 19 cror tax free from Royal regime. This year the Loktantrik government also gave them some more tax break. Every Indian fraud thinks Nepal is the place to do business, as the government is theirs not Nepalese. )
Insurance firms let down public
KATHMANDU, March 14 - The decision of three major insurance companies to lower their committed returns on premium has shattered the dream of thousands of policy holders of doubling their savings through a 15 year insurance policy.
The latest rate of return, which has sliced off Rs 33,000 worth of returns in a 15-year policy amounting to Rs 100,000 has already been opposed fiercely by insurance agents who sold thousands of polices with the promise of doubling the returns in 15 years.
Life Insurance Corporation (Nepal), American Life Insurance Company (Alico) and Nepal Life Insurance Company (NLIC) that entered the Nepali market over three years ago, had promised a 6.5 percent annual rate of return, meaning that overall return after 15 years of annual investment would be doubled.
However, contrary to the promise with which they marketed their products, companies have scaled down the rate to as low as 2.5 percent, citing low return on investment due to a sluggish economy.
Alico has announced a bonus of 2.5 percent in case a client chooses to withdraw the policy, and will pay additional 2.5 percent in case they continue the policy till maturity.
LIC Nepal has declared bonus of 4.3 percent for policy lasting up to 15 years, 4.7 for policy of 20 years, 5.3 for policy of 25 years and 6.5 percent for policy exceeding 25 years.
Likewise, NLIC has announced bonus from 3.9 to 6.5 percent for life insurance products of different variations, said a senior official at Insurance Board (IB), the regulatory authority.
"With this new rate of return, a client with a 15-year insurance policy, which is the most popular life insurance policy in Nepal, will now have to keep on paying their annual premium for 10 more years to see their investment doubled," Bijaya Rana Bhat, marketing representative of LIC Nepal informed.
Worse the companies have not made their bonus rates public. Even though IB has directed them to publish the rates in at least three leading national dailies, the companies have not yet complied.
As a result, some 350,000 clients of those companies are still unaware how they have been let down.
Opposing the rate of return, insurance agents of LIC Nepal have launched a strike flaying the announcement. Those at Alico have also threatened the company management with strike if it does not provide them with a face saving deal.
IB has also warned the companies of stringent action if they do not inform the public of the new bonus rates as it has directed, by publishing the rates in three national dailies.
Insurance experts, meanwhile, said that the very strategy of marketing products at a higher bonus rate was wrong on the part of the companies.
Posted on: 2007-03-13 21:29:58 (Server Time)